Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dreams CAN come true!!!

Woot! So like, I was planning on buying a new set of limbs for my bow with my Hall of Fame money. In my last post I posted a photo of the ones I would LOVE to have, but were just too far out of my price range. Well, Andrew called around yesterday just checking prices, and he found one shop that was selling the brand new 900 CX limbs for about half of what they usually will sell for. This shop is not experienced in recurve archery, and I'm SURE got the price wrong. However, we locked them into this price with a deposit, and I'll now be the proud owner of these brand spanking newly-released limbs. I'm pretty excited.

I'll have the blue ones since my bow is blue.

Anyhoo...I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. The only thing I have planned to make right now is Potato Candy. I can only make it once a year because it's so rich; FULL of carbs! :) But OH SO GOOD. Yes, it's made out of potatoes. If anyone wants the recipe, just lemme know. My mom used to make it for Thanksgiving, so it makes me feel good to make it as well. Brings back nice memories of warm kitchens, parades on TV, all-night cooking, and family being together. I should scrap that.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your purchase :) It's fantastic to be able to find a really good deal on something you really want!!
Potato Candy?? Sounds VERY intriguing! I can imagine that one ingredient is ... potatoes ... but what else? I wanna know, please?

Anonymous said...

I think I've had that potato candy before, and WOOF it's rich! Good tho. I was like, "Limbs??? Like arms and legs?" but then I did what my elementary school teachers told me to do and I used the context to figure out that you are talking about something archery-related! Hooray for your awesome deal!
Have a great Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Very cool on the parts to your bow! Great deal!

And I am intrigued by the potato candy! I wanna know! let us in on the secret! LOL

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I saw it on Purple's does sound awesome....i will have to try it! Great purchase!!! Caught my eye when you said limbs... :)
Have an awesome day!

Jill said...

WOOOOOT! I am so excited you are going to get those for your bow - Now, I will admit, I have NO idea what they are for - but if you are happy, then I am excited for you!

Kutnkudlys' Kreations said...

Congrats! Thats awesome that you got such a deal!

Googlecash said...

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