Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Chat with Heather and Fee!

Hmmm...It's Tuesday. Man, was our Thanksgiving weekend busy! First we had a family dinner here on Thursday. Cora cooked our meal for us! Andrew did the oven stuff, but Cora made the green bean casserole, the mashed potatoes, the yams, and the cookies.

She was very excited to be the chef that day.

Friday night was the annual Euchre party at Andrew's brother's house. We had a really good time. I won the "boobie prize", which goes to the schmuck in last place. Heh....The boobie prize is all the quarters put into a jar when someone has a failed loner hand or gets Euchred. There was about 10 bucks worth of quarters in there! Woot! :) As the beer gets consumed, the cockiness gets more prevelant, so the more quarters go into the jar! Excellent!

Saturday was dinner at Andrew's dad's house. Drama over there. Long story.
I also did a photo session at the bow club Sat. afternoon. Two girls from the club who are Recurvers like me. I got some shots of them with their bows. They haven't seen these yet, but I think they're going to flip for them.
Here are two I did...

Sunday was dinner with Andrew's mom at his brother's house. More Euchre, more food. Can't beat it.