Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How To Make Potato Candy

Ok...I figured I'd just post how to make potato candy.

It's pretty easy, actually.

First, boil some potatoes like you would if making mashed potatoes (peel them first). Once they're boiled, mash them up really well. Then, start adding confectioners sugar and mix it well. The mixture will become soupy. Keep adding sugar and mixing until eventually the mixture will turn harder and become a dough (it can take a while, and make sure you have enough sugar; it might take a lot of sugar, depending the amount of potatoes you use). Once it becomes a dough, spread it out on some wax paper ( spread some flour or PAM over the wax paper first to prevent sticking). Once it's spread out, spread peanut butter over the top. Then roll it up into a log and chill. Then you can cut into 1/2 inch pieces. As you can see, it's FULL of calories, but it's SO yummy!

Let me know if you try it! I love this stuff!

Dreams CAN come true!!!

Woot! So like, I was planning on buying a new set of limbs for my bow with my Hall of Fame money. In my last post I posted a photo of the ones I would LOVE to have, but were just too far out of my price range. Well, Andrew called around yesterday just checking prices, and he found one shop that was selling the brand new 900 CX limbs for about half of what they usually will sell for. This shop is not experienced in recurve archery, and I'm SURE got the price wrong. However, we locked them into this price with a deposit, and I'll now be the proud owner of these brand spanking newly-released limbs. I'm pretty excited.

I'll have the blue ones since my bow is blue.

Anyhoo...I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. The only thing I have planned to make right now is Potato Candy. I can only make it once a year because it's so rich; FULL of carbs! :) But OH SO GOOD. Yes, it's made out of potatoes. If anyone wants the recipe, just lemme know. My mom used to make it for Thanksgiving, so it makes me feel good to make it as well. Brings back nice memories of warm kitchens, parades on TV, all-night cooking, and family being together. I should scrap that.