Friday, November 09, 2007

I Have A Cold

Yup. A cold. It started on Tuesday, and I wasn't able to take anything for it until yesterday because of a medical test I was having done. I'm miserable.

I have many things to do today and not enough energy to do them with. Andrew will be coming home from hunting tomorrow. I'll be glad to see him. Ain't it amazing, I really do miss him! :) His hunting trip experience hasn't turned out how he wanted it, and he's not having a good time. Long, sordid story.

Anyway...I'm sittin' here drinking my coffee, trying to get enough gumption to go out and get new tires for the car. I had a flat coming out of school on Tuesday, so there's a donut on there now. Fun stuff.

I actually started Christmas shopping! GASP! Target had a bunch of clothes on clearance, so I got some cute stuff for the girls. They actually WANT clothes for Christmas. I'm surely happy about that, since I hate buying toys for them to leave all over their room. Cora wants art supplies and a backpack for her to put her webkinz in. She has a clydesdale named Sugar. Sarah has a pig named Alexandra. These webkinz are the cutest things.

I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving. Andrew's sister and her family are coming in from Colorado, as well as his aunt and uncle from St. Louis. Should make for a raucous holiday! I'm thankful for his family, as mine is spread all over the U.S.

Lookie what I want for Christmas:

What the heck are they, you ask? Limbs for my bow. These are the latest technology to come out of Hoyt. Nice, pretty, expensive limbs. Will I actually GET them? Highly doubtful. However, a girl can dream, right? You know you're an archery geek when you want limbs for Christmas instead of all the other girlie stuff most women want. The limbs I have now are fine, but I'll definitely want better limbs for next year's outdoor season.

Welp, I'm off of here. DayQuil is calling!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Belated Hall of Fame Win

So, I'm sure everyone has heard about the Hall of Fame drama in the scrappin' world. Well, two ladies were disqualified as winners because there were questions about whether the entrants took all the photos on their entries or not. Creating Keepsakes decided to offer those two spots to two Honorable Mentions. I was selected. I guess that means that I would have been a Hall of Famer back in March if the contest had gone as it was supposed to.

I have mixed/bittersweet feelings about being offered the title. Am I excited? Yes. Did I debate accepting? Yes. It's 7 months into the Hall of Fame year, so I've missed out on that time. Who's to say I would have gained anything by having that time. We may never know. It would have been fun to be a part of the week-long hoopla that happens every year at Hall of Fame Call time. Twenty Five anonymous posts stating they won HOF. Oh well. I'm a big girl and can handle that I didn't get to do it. I was still a part of it, even if as just a spectator.

And, I got to know 49 WONDERFUL ladies who are the Honorable Mentions. These ladies are true class acts, and I'm truly grateful I was able to rub elbows with some of the best in the industry. I've made lasting friendships that will be there long after this year is over. Love you ladies!!!

At this point, I'm happy. Do I need the validation that comes from this? Maybe, sometimes. Anyone who entered was looking for some level of validation. I love scrapbooking. I love showing my layouts to others. I love hearing if people like my work. I would still scrapbook even if I never showed these layouts to anyone other than my family. I guess accepting this title, even after 7 months, just kinda makes me feel good. Nothing wrong with that. Regardless of whether I become "famous" because of this (highly doubtful), or just ride the wave of obscurity until the next class of HOFers comes in, I'm happy. I accepted the title for reasons that are my own. I'm content to live with that. Life is good.