The weather is really starting to annoy me. It's been chilly since Sunday. Grrrr...Hopefully it's nice and warm up in Traverse City when I go on my VACATION!!!! Have I mentioned my vacation? Hee hee...I'm a tad excited.
This weekend is packed full of stuff. First of all, my sister-in-law is going to prom. I've committed to being her personal photographer that day, so I'll be with her all day taking shots. We had so much fun last year doing that, and the other girls in her class seemed to think that was an awesome idea, so maybe I can market that. Of course Lara is my first priority, so as long as she's going to prom, I'm hers on that day. She'll be a Senior next year. Oh yeah, and the terd got a 29 on her ACT. CONGRATS Lara! She's disappointed; thinks she should have gotten higher...Geesh!
But anyway...I'm doing that Saturday. Saturday is also the Flint Bowmen Social. Have I ever mentioned the bow club? :) That should be fun, and Andrew and the girls are going to that. It's ALSO my nephew Solomon's birthday party. Man! Think we can fill up Saturday any more?
Sunday won't be QUITE as busy, but we got stuff goin' on. Monday I'm off to TRAVERSE CITY! Have I mentioned Traverse City?
Not sure if I will bring a laptop. Prolly will. I'm such a geek. Taking my laptop to the beach. I will probably bring it, but won't use it that much. I won't be scrappin' at all, but would like to keep up with the Ultimate Digi Scrapper contest that should be going on that week. I entered. I just hope I have enough time when I get home from TC to get the challenge done.