Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Little Titanic Props

Yeah...I LOVE the movie Titanic.It's definitely one of my all-time fave movies. Just something about it just grabs me. And Celine Dion's song is a total fave of mine as well. Do you have a song or movie that just grabs you?

My top 10 fave movies of all time:

1. Titanic
2. Saving Private Ryan
3. Dirty Dancing
4. The Passion Of The Christ
5. Where The Heart Is
6. Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
7. The Karate Kid
8. Gladiator
9. Star Wars 1-6 :) (HUGE Star Wars Geek!)
10. Top Gun (Talk to me, Goose!)

Ok...that's about all I have. Nothing much going on today except a dental appointment. Joy!

Show me your top ten movie list!


Rachael said...

Titanic is definitely in my Top 10 too! We watch it Thanksgiving Eve each year! :)

~*Jennifer*~ said...

Here's mine:

1. A Christmas Story (watch it every year on Christmas Eve)
2. LOTR trilogy
3. Harry Potter series
4. Dirty Dancing
5. Pretty Women
6. Breakfast Club
7. Day After Tomorrow (great effects)
8. Little Mermaid
9. Groundhog Day
10. The Princess Bride

Anonymous said...

I {heart} Jennifer. She's got to be half of my soul mate! Seriously. Look here's my top ten:

1. A Christmas Story (watch it every year on Christmas)
2. LOTR trilogy
3. Day After Tomorrow
4. Groundhog Day
5. Princess Bride

(isn't that funny - we share five our favs in our top ten) here's the rest:

6. Bad Boys II (Will Smith)
7. IRobot (again, Will Smith)
8. Star Wars Six
9. When Harry Met Sally
10. Clue