Monday, December 15, 2008


Well, I didn't realize it's almost been a month since my last blog post. It seems harder and harder to get online and update. Busy time at work, and of course the management finds it necessary to cut hours. At Christmas? The busiest time of year? Someone please explain that to me. I was alone today from 7:30 AM until 2 PM. I can handle it, but I shouldn't have to. And of course, it was the busiest Monday we've had yet. Nice.

Anyway, I'm home and I smell like coffee. Usually that's not a bad thing, but when you're around it all day, the smell can get to be a bit much.

Not sure what our Christmas dinner will be? I was thinking of going a bit to the wild side and having pizza and finger foods. We can just hang out and watch movies all day. It's been fun Christmas shopping for the girls this year. I found a really cool gift for Andrew yesterday, and it was half off~ I totally got it. Can't say what it is because he might read this! *Giggle*

Anyway, I'll end this with a photo of the girls Thanksgiving weekend in Fort Worth. They got to see Santa with their cousin Isabel. It was her first visit with the guy in red.

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