Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Ya Hear That??

*chirp chirp chirp*

That's the sound of sweet silence! Both girls started school today!!! Sarah's a big first grader, and Cora's 3rd grader who thinks she's been there done that. Sigh.

It's only a half day for them, and I can't wait for them to get home and hear about their day. I walked them to the bus this morning hoping for some photos, but the bus came earlier than expected, so I didn't get exactly what I wanted. I did get them getting on the bus.

Yeah...she loves Troy. What 8 year old girl DOESN'T??

Cora's birthday is tomorrow. We had her party on Saturday, and she had 6 girlfriends over for a slumber party afterward. Yeah. That was...um...interesting. It was so funny to watch all these girls interacting. All the different personalities clashing and meshing. Great fun. I won't do it again any time soon, but Cora had a blast.

As tradition dictates, I have to take them out to eat for lunch. Guess we'll go to Cici's, since it's their favorite place. Cici's really IS the debil, since I can't stop eating their cinnamon rolls. Ah..guess I have to take one for the team today, eh?

Sarah's first soccer game is Saturday. That should be fun to watch. Gotta love magnet-ball!

Welp, I guess I'm done rambling for today. I'll end with a few layouts I've gotten done the past few days.



Anonymous said...

LOVE the first day of school!! Ours was 2 weeks ago!! ROFL!! It's been a nice two weeks with 3 of 4 kiddos gone ALL day... LOL!
Lovely layouts as always Angela...

Anonymous said...

O boy, your blogpost is very similar to mine LOL Isn't that wonderful, a quiet house and lots of time to do everything YOU like ?
Love the layouts ;-)

Emma said...

Love the first day of school layouts. I always loved the first day with the kids back in school but it was always so quite. Mine are all grown and now it was the grandson starting kindergarden this year.

katg1006 said...

Oh So cute!!! love the photos! :-)

20Birds said...

fabulous layouts. inspiring, makes me want to lift lift lift.... and that wonderful silence hit my house todaiy also...

Lor said...

Great LOs Angela!!! Hope you enjoyed the piece n' quite in the house! :)

domestic goddess said...

sorry we didnt see you over at Pencil Lines, loving thsoe layouts

Cheryl said...

I wish I was home to hear the silence...silly work gets in the way. Such cute layouts!

I had to delete the link you entered as it is only for entries to the contest and hope that you come back soon. Just make a post with a 'heirloom" layout and add the direct link to that...or donate a prize.

Your layouts are wonderful! Nice to meet you. I'll add you to the blogroll.