Monday, July 10, 2006


I hate Mondays. I just can't seem to get moving. Today's pretty laid back. Cleaned the living room and am getting some laundry done. The girls are running wild around the neighborhood with their friends. Bawahahahahah! Cora is carrying the Walkie-Talkie so that I can check in on them. She thinks she's cool. I'm SO glad she does.

Sarah had her annual physical this morning. She got tested for Anemia; she wasn't happy about that. She was tough though. I mean, who LIKES having blood drawn?

Andrew took the girls camping this weekend. I took advantage of the solitude and saw Pirates 2. Not a bad flick. I liked how the end went straight into number 3. There were some pretty funny parts. A preview for The Guardian looked really good. It stars Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher. Ashton is actually a decent actor. It comes out in Sept. Guess I'll have to see it. Talladega Nights looks pretty freaking funny as well. I don't usually like Will Ferrell, but this movie looks great. I've been to Talladega, AL a couple times. Very interesting to see a NASCAR race. Yee Haw.

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