Happy New Year, everyone! Hope everyone stayed safe and brought in the New Year with a bang.
The family and I stayed home. The girls played the Wii a lot and we had cocktail weenies, pizza rolls, sparkling grape juice, and beer (the beer was for the grown folks, of course).
I've been thinking of what I want my resolutions to be this year. I usually don't make many, since they're hard to keep. This year I would like to make some changes.
I resolve to:
1. {Take more photos of everyday life.} I take a lot of portraits of the girls, but not enough photos of events, moments, etc. This year I will.
2. {Lose weight.} Not much weight, just 10 lbs. I would also like to tone up and get back in shape. I'm much too young to feel this damn old.
3. {Spend some one on one time with each of my daughters.} They're growing up SO fast and I want to make sure I know them as individuals.
4: {Work hard to get a degree.} I want to graduate from college. This year I will work to make that goal a reality.
5. {Be happy.} Nuff said.
As you can see, nothing earth-shattering. Important to me, though.
Happy New Year, everyone!