Geesh..are the hurricanes EVER going to end??? I guess not for another two months. I'm so glad I don't live in MS anymore. Hurricanes SUCK. I was a junior in high school in Louisiana when Hurricane Andrew came through. It wasn't as bad as Florida got it, but it was bad enough.
Andrew's out getting popcorn and coca cola at the moment. I plan on having a few Rum and Cokes tonight. Nothing wrong with getting a litte tipsy, eh? Girls are in bed, and we might play a little Halo on the Xbox. We haven't played in almost a year, so it's about time we got our Melee on! We used to play every night after the girls went to bed. We'd get online with a friend of ours and we'd play against each other all night. So much fun. Or we'd get on the Super Nintendo and play a raucous game of Dr. Mario. That was dad's favorite game. He'd sit there and play for hours. Missing my daddy.
Wow, it's already 11 PM. Luckily I don't have anything to do tomorrow except sleep in. The girls were up late tonight so hopefully they sleep in as well. If not, it's cartoon day!!!
Cora got an A+ on her very first spelling test today. She was SOOOOOO excited to come home and tell me.
The new lens I ordered finally shipped today. Can't wait to get it and play! I want to take it to the sports games and get some good shots when my niece and nephew play soccer.