Friday, September 29, 2006

I've been tagged!

Well, Sinead tagged me on her blog, so I guess I'm gonna grin and follow the rules!

Write 5 weird things about you or your pets. Tag 5 people.

I have to write about 5 weird things about me. Wow, where do I begin???

1. I'm an English/Grammar Nazi. I cringe every time someone says "Nucular". Grrr...I love "W", but I wanna smack him sometimes. If you're a college professor, you SHOULD be smarter than I am.(that's another peeve I won't even go into) Sigh...

2. I LOVE ketchup on my scrambled eggs. I thought it was something I picked up from my dad, but he always said it wasn't him. ??? Not sure where that one quirk came from.

3. I'm a total movie geek. I like to know who's in a movie, what he/she was in before, and who with. I'm really good at recognizing an actor and being able to tell you what other movies they've been in before. I KNOW I got that one from my dad. Yes, I'm a freak.

4. I'm left handed, but I only eat and write left handed. Everything else is done right handed: shooting, playing pool, using a mouse, etc.

5. My hands are always cold. Winter, summer...doesn't matter. They're always cold.

Ok..I'm taggin':

Fee Jardine

Kristin Cronin-Barrow

Heather Roselli

Deanna Hall

Charlene (Berekah) (GO TIGERS!)


Josh Virkler said...


Here ya go:

Julie Ann Shahin said...

Hi hon. Do you have your freebie ready for Sunday? Let me know.

Brandy said...

yay im the same way ( number 5 lol)