Monday, October 15, 2012

{End of Summer}

Summer's gone. The weather is winding down a bit and the days are not quite so brutal. Just a bit of a bite in the air in the mornings on the way to work, but coming home it's nice and warm. I love Fall in Texas. Wish the leaves would change color a bit more.

Things are going really well. Andrew changed jobs in August. A bit risky, but a wise man once said "Make hay while the sun's shining." So far he really likes it and is the Department Manager. He works from home most of the time but goes to Dallas for a few days a month to the office.

Girls love school. Cora has all the boys wrapped around her finger. Sarah does too, but she's in a totally different place when I comes to that for now. Thank goodness; I can't handle two boy crazy girls in the house.

Saturday, August 04, 2012


Recent photos.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

{We bought a House}

So yeah. We bought a house. We figured now is the best time to get in on buying a house before rates go up. We found our house on the second day of looking. Our real estate agent, Carmen Bean, was excellent. She listened to what we were looking for and found houses that we would be interested in. We wanted land where we could pursue archery. That was the big ticket item to look for. We found that in Southeast San Antonio. Well, not really in San Antonio. We're right over the Wilson County line in Floresville. Still close to SA but far enough out to be in the country. We close around May 8. Needless to say, we're all SO excited. Andrew's looking for lawn tractors and I can't wait to have a clothes line. Simple pleasures.

Here she is:


Saturday, March 10, 2012

{Rollin' Along}

It's been a whirlwind couple months. Cold, hot, cold, hot. Can't wait for some consistently warmer weather. We've had a lot of rain the past month. Craziness.

Sarah started soccer for the season. She hasn't played in 4 years,but is a freakin' Beast out on the field. LOVED watching her be a bad ass.

The coach is horrible, but he's a volunteer. Can't complain too much.

Cora is running track. Somehow she's in the 100 m and 300 m hurdles. Thursday she had a practice track meet, and did wonderful in the 100 m hurdles. The 300 m hurdles, however proved a bit more difficult. She tripped on a hurdle and landed on her arm. We took her to the urgent care clinic. Not broken from what they could see, but very painful. She's in a splint and sling for spring break.

We got our season passes to Six Flags last week. We went last weekend on Opening Day to look around and ride a few things. Hope to get back there in the next week or so again. 

Sunday, January 01, 2012


Happy New Year, everyone! Hope everyone stayed safe and brought in the New Year with a bang.

The family and I stayed home. The girls played the Wii a lot and we had cocktail weenies, pizza rolls, sparkling grape juice, and beer (the beer was for the grown folks, of course).


I've been thinking of what I want my resolutions to be this year. I usually don't make many, since they're hard to keep. This year I would like to make some changes.

I resolve to:

1. {Take more photos of everyday life.} I take a lot of portraits of the girls, but not enough photos of events, moments, etc. This year I will.

2. {Lose weight.} Not much weight, just 10 lbs. I would also like to tone up and get back in shape. I'm much too young to feel this damn old.

3. {Spend some one on one time with each of my daughters.} They're growing up SO fast and I want to make sure I know them as individuals.

4: {Work hard to get a degree.} I want to graduate from college. This year I will work to make that goal a reality. 

5. {Be happy.} Nuff said.

As you can see, nothing earth-shattering. Important to me, though. 

Happy New Year, everyone!